Underground mining loading and moving machine operators operate underground loading or moving machine to load or move coal, ore, or rock using shuttle or mine car, or conveyors. Equipment may include power shovels, hoisting engines equipped with cable-drawn scraper or scoop, or machines equipped with gathering arms and conveyors.
Pry off loose material from roofs and move it into the paths of machines, using crowbars.
Move trailing electrical cables clear of obstructions, using rubber safety gloves.
Drive machines into piles of material blasted from working faces.
Operate levers to move conveyor booms or shovels so that mine contents such as coal, rock, and ore can be placed into cars or onto conveyors.
Clean hoppers, and clean spillage from tracks, walks, driveways, and conveyor decking.
Oil, lubricate, and adjust conveyors, crushers, and other equipment, using hand tools and lubricating equipment.
Replace hydraulic hoses, headlight bulbs, and gathering-arm teeth.
Stop gathering arms when cars are full.
Advance machines to gather material and convey it into cars.
Signal workers to move loaded cars.
Observe and record car numbers, carriers, customers, tonnages, and grades and conditions of material.
Notify switching departments to deliver specific types of cars.
Inspect boarding and locking of open-top box cars and wedging of side-drop and hopper cars to prevent loss of material in transit.
Clean, fuel, service, and perform safety checks on all equipment, and repair and replace parts as necessary.
Control conveyors that run the entire length of shuttle cars to distribute loads as loading progresses.
Direct other workers to move stakes, place blocks, position anchors or cables, or move materials.
Drive loaded shuttle cars to ramps and move controls to discharge loads into mine cars or onto conveyors.
Examine roadway and clear obstructions from the path of travel.
Guide and stop cars by switching, applying brakes, or placing scotches, or wooden wedges, between wheels and rails.
Handle high voltage sources and hang electrical cables.
Maintain records of materials moved.
Measure, weigh, or verify levels of rock, gravel, or other excavated material to prevent equipment overloads.
Monitor loading processes to ensure that materials are loaded according to specifications.
Move mine cars into position for loading and unloading, using pinchbars inserted under car wheels to position cars under loading spouts.
Observe hand signals, grade stakes, or other markings when operating machines.
Open and close bottom doors of cars to dump contents.
Push or ride cars down slopes, or hook cars to cables and control cable drum brakes, to ease cars down inclines.
Read written instructions or confer with supervisors about schedules and materials to be moved.
Work Context
Work Context information for this career will be available soon.
Work Activities
Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material — Inspecting equipment, structures, or materials to identify the cause of errors or other problems or defects.
Operating Vehicles, Mechanized Devices, or Equipment — Running, maneuvering, navigating, or driving vehicles or mechanized equipment, such as forklifts, passenger vehicles, aircraft, or water craft.
Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events — Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events.
Getting Information — Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.
Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings — Monitoring and reviewing information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess problems.
Repairing and Maintaining Mechanical Equipment — Servicing, repairing, adjusting, and testing machines, devices, moving parts, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of mechanical (not electronic) principles.
Controlling Machines and Processes — Using either control mechanisms or direct physical activity to operate machines or processes (not including computers or vehicles).
Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates — Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person.
Detailed Work Activities
Remove debris or damaged materials.
Move materials, equipment, or supplies.
Position material handling equipment.
Operate excavation equipment.
Operate conveyors or other industrial material moving equipment.
Clean machinery or equipment.
Maintain material moving equipment in good working condition.
Maintain material moving equipment in good working condition.
Operate excavation equipment.
Operate conveyors or other industrial material moving equipment.
Signal others to coordinate vehicle movement.
Record operational or production data.
Communicate with others to coordinate vehicle movement.
Inspect locomotives or other railroad equipment.
Inspect equipment or facilities to determine condition or maintenance needs.
Clean equipment or supplies.
Perform manual service or maintenance tasks.
Operate conveyors or other industrial material moving equipment.
Direct material handling or moving activities.
Operate vehicles or material-moving equipment.
Remove debris from work sites.
Operate locomotives or other rail vehicles.
Install electrical components, equipment, or systems.
Connect cables or electrical lines.
Record operational or production data.
Measure product or material dimensions.
Weigh materials to ensure compliance with specifications.
Verify information or specifications.
Monitor loading processes to ensure they are performed properly.
Position material handling equipment.
Signal others to coordinate vehicle movement.
Operate equipment or vehicles to clear construction sites or move materials.
Position material handling equipment.
Review work orders or schedules to determine operations or procedures.
Communicate with others to coordinate material handling or movement.
Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance.
Education and Training
Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects.
Administration and Management
Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.
English Language
Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
Production and Processing
Knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods.
Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.
Operation and Control
Controlling operations of equipment or systems.
Active Listening
Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
Control Precision
The ability to quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine or a vehicle to exact positions.
Multilimb Coordination
The ability to coordinate two or more limbs (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while sitting, standing, or lying down. It does not involve performing the activities while the whole body is in motion.
Depth Perception
The ability to judge which of several objects is closer or farther away from you, or to judge the distance between you and an object.
Near Vision
The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).
Manual Dexterity
The ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects.
Selective Attention
The ability to concentrate on a task over a period of time without being distracted.
Problem Sensitivity
The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem.
Arm-Hand Steadiness
The ability to keep your hand and arm steady while moving your arm or while holding your arm and hand in one position.
Rate Control
The ability to time your movements or the movement of a piece of equipment in anticipation of changes in the speed and/or direction of a moving object or scene.
Reaction Time
The ability to quickly respond (with the hand, finger, or foot) to a signal (sound, light, picture) when it appears.
Oral Comprehension
The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences.
Information Ordering
The ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations).
Time Sharing
The ability to shift back and forth between two or more activities or sources of information (such as speech, sounds, touch, or other sources).
Category Flexibility
The ability to generate or use different sets of rules for combining or grouping things in different ways.
Speech Recognition
The ability to identify and understand the speech of another person.
Speech Clarity
The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you.